Times are a changing. The way we think, the way we are wired to do things, even our mode of dressing up. Can you recall the last time you went out without a mask or protective gear? Well, I hate to say it, but this new normal is becoming the normal and we can only adjust to it and hope for better days.

As I was going through my usual scanning on social media, there’s this brand that caught my attention. They were shelling out dope products but what caught my attention among the flurry of brands is that they are creating PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) – that I thought was really cool and forward-thinking as far as streetwear goes.
I recently had a short chat with Days Clothing Co. as they are busy with orders and they graciously gave me the time of day to ask them about some things. Enjoy!

First of all, knowing you are first and foremost a streetwear brand, how did you venture into PPE’s and masks?
Well, it really started us thinking about our workers, also ourselves because due to the pandemic everything became hard especially when it came to bringing food on the table. We saw a challenge and we found a way to meet it head-on.

Was it simultaneously masks and jackets?
Initially, we started selling masks, masks that are made of taffeta and non-woven, waterproof materials. People then seemed to like them, so we came up with the idea of adapting to the current situation, and make jackets that can be used as protective gear.

How was the process like? We know that quality control is very much a factor right?
Before we pushed through it, we asked some of our Doctors and nurse friends regarding the materials and designs that are applicable to be used as PPE’s. Also we got a frontline doctor to be a model to give the items more credibility.

What was your main goal in designing the Days Clothing Co. PPE’s? How were they received?
We want to be different in such a way that we want our front liners to feel fashionable alongside all the hard work they are doing. And we’re glad that the people liked it, doctors and nurses were thankful and pleased with them. They accepted and consistently trust our brand that is honestly new in making protective clothing.
Thank you Days Clothing Co.!